

  • The world today is on the verge of extinction merely because of one reason. It’s not due to global warming or some pollution factors. A very famous proverb from the Bible ‘ I the creator and I the destroyer’. Adam and Eve created this wonderful community and it’s the so called communalists who are going to end this race.
    Using the name of religion to get their demands granted sums up the definition of communalism. Communalism is brought up in each every case these days. The very present scenerio in the political field of country includes RSS the tied up party with the BJP led government which is nothing but simply a public influencing communalistic party. It’s simple aim is to prove the meaning of ‘Hindostan’ that is make a country comprising only of Hindus which according to me is completely wrong because at the time of partition both nations comprised equal number of both the religions. Communalism-In-India
  • A number of political riots are being run on the name of communalism. The present scenerio of Assam can be used as an example. The Non Resident Citizenship Act 1971 states that any immigrant who is residing in Assam is not considered an Indian. But the political parties are simply torrifying this act. A recent killing of 5 individuals considered Bangladeshis by the opposition party just to get a strangehold on the political backdrop of the upcoming cabinet elections simply defines the brutuality of the human race.


  • Next up the most agnostic use of communalism is found on the terror ground. Very famous terror groups including Al- Tashkida, Al- Umin and many more simply killing the innocent ones on the name of religion that too only ‘Jihad’. Today every person is frightened if someone would blow himself or his plane is hijacked. The entire world is living on a ticking bomb which might explode at any moment putting the curtains on the end of this human race.hqdefault
  • According to me communalism should be stopped at every level and in every way possible. The terror groups should be told that Jihad doesn’t means killing people to let their demands in or killing themselves on the name of God. The real meaning of Jihad is ‘Struggle’. That is to fight hard to get their needs. Plus the political upfronts should remember that the constitution laid down to abolish communalism not to promote. Moreover in my accordance every individual is same it’s just that everyone’s faith is different. So we must respect each and every religion.

Lastly few lines citing,

“Hum sab dharti se hi aaye hain aur ant mein dharti mein simat jayenge.”